E Track Fitting with O-Ring is an affordable solution to creating securement points in the back of a moving van or pickup trailer for cargo securement. This is great for oddly shaped cargo that is harder to secure as you can create a securement point along the e-track rails.Application
Widely used in motorcycles, cars, ships, aircraft, cargo lashing and fixed in the process of transport. Ratchetand cam buckle straps, tarp straps, S hooks,and all other tie-downs can be hooked or easily tied around the durable steel O ring and then anchored to the E track rail in your trailer, truck, or cargo van, making them safe and easy-to-use freight tie downs. E track O rings are versatile and dependable.The E fitting on the ring can be inserted straight into a slot on the E track rail or portable single mounted on the floor or wall of your cargo vehicle, allowing the use of all tie-downs that lack E fittings.Factory pictures

Product application

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